Tuesday, November 19, 2013

5 Grab 'N Go Breakfast Ideas

The body has to be fueled every morning for the long day ahead. People who eat breakfast showed more energy and ability to focus more than those who skip breakfast. 
For all you fast-paced working ladies out there, here are 5 nutritious grab-n-go breakfasts that you can make in less than 3 minutes. 

1. Banana with Peanut Butter

This grab-n-go breakfast will give you a healthy dose of protein and fiber to keep you feeling full. 

2. Hard-boiled Eggs
Another awesome protein source you can eat while waiting for the bus or while sitting in your car. You can boil the eggs and peel them before going to sleep and just pick them up before you rush off to work.

3. Trail Mix

Pick some of your favorite trail mix items (nuts, grains, dried fruits) and place them in a reusable container or a zip lock for that on-the-go breakfast you can eat easily. 

4. Greek Yogurt 
And yet another good source of protein! Plus the fact that it has good fats that our body need. Add nuts for that extra crunch. Don't forget your spoon! You wouldn't want to end up sipping your yogurt off the cup, right? That's just plain ugly. Hah!  

So pick some of these easy grab-n-go breakfast when you go grocery shopping next time. These easy breakfast ideas will save you a lot of time and give you that energy boost you need for the morning. 

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